Bible, Bros & Brew
Bible, Bros, & Brew is all about helping you navigate your relationship with God in practical, real-life ways. Hosts David and Phil dig into scripture—'chopping up the word'—and bring it to life with insights you can actually use every day. And while they’re at it, they share their favorite 'brews'—don’t worry, it’s not booze! Just a solid lineup of classic coffees and teas to keep the conversations flowing.
Bible, Bros & Brew
Walking in the Spirit: The Vital Role of the Holy Spirit | Bible, Bros & Brew
Perhaps the most important skill you can develop in your Christian life is learning how to fellowship with and rely on the Holy Spirit. After all, if we're being honest, there is no such thing as "walking in the spirit" without receiving help and guidance from the Spirit of God. In this latest installment of our series titled "Walking in the Spirit", David & Phil explore various scriptures (albeit not in the most organized fashion) that describe not only who the Holy Spirit is, but also how important it is to develop a vital fellowship with Him in order to bear the fruit that is a by-product of His presence in our lives.
On tonight's episode. Oh, I got to start that again, sorry, sorry. On today's episode of Bible Bros and Brew, we're going to continue to talk about walking in the spirit and we're going to begin to break it down a little bit more of what it means to walk in the spirit and how you begin to do that. We've already got one piece of the puzzle. Now let's add a little more. Up next on Bible Bros and Brew.
Speaker 1:Hey everybody, welcome, welcome to Bible Bros and Bros. I just want to say off the record, on the record, but off the record, ryan, if that isn't a clip, then we're going to know that you are biased. Ryan's doing some things behind the scenes here that are safe for the web. I just don't know if they should be out.
Speaker 1:We'll see in a video next week because Ryan's going to put that on video and we're so glad that you guys are joining us for today's episode. We are getting ready to dig in to how to walk in the spirit and we've already started talking about it. Some we're coming from Galatians, chapter 5, 16, where it says walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. And believe it or not, that one verse is loaded with information and inspiration for your daily walk, your Christian journey. But before we get in and dig deep into that, let's spend a little time and find out what everybody's drinking. As you know, I believe that it's a good, warm beverage that precipitates good conversation, so that we can all just let loose and let God use us for this talk tonight. So, without further ado, I'm going to start with Ryan. After those moves, which I think are coffee oriented, I just want to point out, that is, that is Everest, is that?
Speaker 3:I'm not sure if I'm saying the name right, but she says she's drinking water right now, which I love. It's awesome. I'm so excited about this one. Okay, so I am drinking a brew from a local roaster here in Carson City, nevada.
Speaker 3:Come on Old world. Oh, my green screen is jacked up. Let me just turn my green screen off. That's pretty bad, hold on. I'm sorry. Someone was making my background earlier so I felt self-conscious. I got the Old World Coffee Roasters and this is a Firefly staple blend. It has a flavor profile of chocolate, sweet and full body. It's a fantastic little coffee shop that I like to go to during the week, sometimes Nice. Just listen to how good it tastes.
Speaker 1:That's serious flavor, Russ Is that Bible Bros and Brews first ASMR segment.
Speaker 2:The soothing sounds of coffee.
Speaker 1:Right, Nice, nice. I like that new shop there, Ryan, oh world. We love local roasters in our area and we always try to get by those places from time to time and feature their coffees here. Don't forget, if you haven't already to. I see, like Ryan just said, Zeverist already said what they're drinking, but share with us in the comments what you're drinking as you're listening to the podcast tonight, john, what you got in the cup oh my goodness, uh-oh.
Speaker 3:this is just as local as local can get, but local for everybody. It's everybody's favorite Starbucks, right? I know it's a sin and I know it's unlawful and it's unholy to drink Starbucks. On the Bible the Bible wasn't a good podcast, unless you're watching, of course, unless they sponsor us. Yes, that would be something. I typically like darker roasts, but this kind of came out of the blue. Sabrina caught this in her eye and all of a sudden, here let's see.
Speaker 3:I feel, like it's pretty obvious, but this lavender vanilla flavor, like I said, as much dark roast and just black coffee I like to drink. This stuff is just very I don't know how to describe it besides just flowery and just sweet. But man, when it says lavender, it is lavender for sure. It's great, okay, doesn't that make you want to sleep? Yeah, so we all better wrap this up.
Speaker 1:No, I'm just kidding, john, what roast are you? Are you a dark roast guy?
Speaker 3:I like stuff between medium to dark roast. I don't like putting creamer in until unless it's Sabrina that's making my coffee, which she did, and I'm already like it's gone. Dude, making my coffee, which she did, and I'm already like it's gone. Dude, it's almost gone. But typically in my morning runs I'll grab something on the darker end.
Speaker 1:What are you Ryan? Ryan's a dark roast. I've seen Ryan drink some coffees that you can hardly smell, much less eat. They make no smell. It's a silent deadly.
Speaker 3:You know what's. So Can I tell a little story? Sure, so it's so funny. My very first real, real job was working in a coffee shop, like a little local coffee shop, and in the interview.
Speaker 3:Um it, you know, I was like 18, 19 and I didn't drink coffee. And in the interview, the last question, the owner asked me she's like, do you drink coffee? And I was like no, and she's like, well, I was like wait, wait, wait, wait, so good. You know, she almost didn't hire me. And so this is funny because I would, I would, I was the opener. So I had to get there at like three, 30 or four in the morning to open the coffee shop and then after my shift I would go to school, to the community college, down the road, and I would like be falling asleep at the wheel so tired. So I was like I gotta start doing something. So I started drinking coffee and it was like 15 pumps of vanilla, sugar and a lot of milk. But then, you know, I think it's funny because, you know now I just drink it straight, black and strong yeah, yes, yes, interesting all right.
Speaker 1:What about you, phillip? What are you? A dark, a medium, a light?
Speaker 2:It's interesting, man, because like typically I like medium to dark, but I do think there's something about the light roast for breakfast time that has kind of a thing going. You know what I mean. So I'll do a light roast in the morning. Later the day I might go darker, you know, kind of keeping with the, the way the sun rises and sets, if you will or if you want either way.
Speaker 3:I guess, so punch in the face in the morning and then later in the day maybe we'll talk about a light roast. Are you a dark roast? Medium, medium roast, light roast.
Speaker 1:I'm a medium roast guy. I typically do medium or light roast. Yeah, that's what I love, amen. So, phillip, what are you drinking today?
Speaker 2:Well, you know, I can't stray too far away from Peregrine without going back to Peregrine. So we've got one here the Rwanda, Ooyay Mountain. So it's got notes of blackberry jam, root beer and peanut brittle.
Speaker 1:That seems like such a weird combination of stuff.
Speaker 2:Bro, this is one of their best ever dude. I've tried practically everything they've made for the past four years, I think. But I did want to highlight something special that my wife gave me dude. It is a mug, that is a drum mug. Praise the Lord. Oh look at that Like a 3D kind of situation. I mean, hopefully it looks like that on camera.
Speaker 2:But yeah it does Because you know I have been. I've been a drummer for a while now. Not the best at it, but I do try to practice. So I thought it was a very cool and thoughtful gift man.
Speaker 1:Praise God, that's awesome. Tell Stephanie she did good.
Speaker 2:Man, she stays doing. Good dude, I will let her know.
Speaker 1:Come on now, serve up them. Points, big boy, how?
Speaker 2:about you, david, what you got, man.
Speaker 1:Tonight I am doing some Red Barn again.
Speaker 3:I'm doing the Sinfully Vanilla. Oh my own words. You better repent.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you would think maybe that meant that they had added some cinnamon to it or something, but it's not. It's really just that I guess they didn't want to use the S word so that you wouldn't be convicted drinking the coffee. No, so is there any?
Speaker 2:lesson there might be a little something Something.
Speaker 1:Not to look that up, because all of a sudden I just felt a hint of cinnamon.
Speaker 2:See.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I could be completely wrong and made up all that other stuff. One thing you'd be sure of is I made up the stuff about the cinema I did about the scene. I made that part up, right. I just don't know that. I've got to find out.
Speaker 3:So we're going to learn right now.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to leave the show right now. Get my life right, please hold one moment. So I'm going to leave the show right now. Get my life right and come back. Please hold one moment. Okay, I'm back.
Speaker 1:All right, that's what's in our cups tonight. Let's talk about what's in the Word. Get your notebooks and your pens out, study along with us, look out your Bibles out, but study along with us and take a look at this. Let's take a look backwards first, just a little bit, to see what we've taken a walk through over the last couple of weeks.
Speaker 1:This is week four of this conversation and, as I said, we started with our conversation in Galatians, chapter five, verse 16, where it says walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Speaker 1:And so we talked on that first episode a little bit about what walking in the spirit was not, and we talked about how walking in the spirit was not this heavily pious, you know, overly ethereal experience, but yet it was something deeper, personal and spirit-filled within every man.
Speaker 1:And then we took a look at the rest of Galatians and we saw that there was definite outcomes for what was called or considered the fruit of the flesh versus what is considered the fruit of the spirit, and I want to just share something really quickly with you. You know that word fruit it's from the Greek word karpos, and it refers to both fruit literally, and fruit metaphorically. And one of the things it says here is that in one sense it denotes the produce of trees, plants and the earth, but metaphorically it is used to describe the results or outcomes of actions, particularly in a spiritual or moral context. So when we're talking about the fruit of the spirit here, we're talking about it in that metaphorical sense that there has been. It goes on to say. It often signifies the visible expression of an inward change or the evidence of one's faith and character.
Speaker 1:And that's what we're talking about here is the fruit of the Spirit, is the evidence of one's faith and character. But I'm going to tell you that walking in the Spirit is also evidence of someone's faith and character. And so Philip came up with something. He said something that night that was pretty significant, and it is that fruit is the product of seed, which led us to have to go back and say where do we know about seed from? And that is looking at Mark, chapter 4, luke chapter 8, and Matthew chapter 13,. And the parable of the sower. And we remember that one thing that Jesus said was if you get this parable, you'll understand all parables.
Speaker 1:So, he created this sense that this was kind of the motherlode, if you would, the foundational parable that would help you to understand everything you heard after that point. And so we began to look at this thing and we begin to learn that the seed is the word of God. So God's word is the seed. We understood that the heart is man's heart, is the center of man, that consists of part of his heart, will, emotions, all of that stuff that's in the center of man, that is God's ground, or that is man's ground, that he plants in and produces harvest that ultimately spring forth, as we read in Proverbs, chapter four, into a man's life. So we learned those two critical things. And so then the next thing we needed to understand was what were the four types of soil outlined in this parable? And we saw wayside ground, we saw rocky soil, we saw thorny soil, but then we saw good ground, and in this good ground we saw what it means to bear fruit, some 30, some 60, a hundredfold. And we understood in all of that that in the midst of all of that is that what Jesus was really saying is that when a man understands the word and it comes out of a good and pure heart that he can bear fruit and that fruit will last. And the degree that it is born out has everything to do with how much God pours out on. So there's so much good there. So we looked at that for two weeks and now we're going to look back again at Galatians 5.16, because we know the seed, we know how to produce the outcome, but we recognize that all of that, all of that boils down to.
Speaker 1:In order to produce that fruit, we're going to have to walk in the Spirit. In other words, we're going to have to walk in the spirit. In other words, we're going to have to walk in a way that plants that seed, that nurtures that seed, that nourishes it. That's wise, with the fruit that comes with it. Because we don't want to be ground, we should be Philip.
Speaker 1:I believe we should be the type of people that don't want to harvest, eat all the fruit of it, then start over, but we want to be the kind of people that are constantly sowing, constantly nurturing. We're gardeners. The Bible calls it husbandry. We are husbandmen who are taking care of garden and we're producing and watching over fruitful fields so that we can reap the things of God in our lives and ultimately, they don't just hold on in our lives, but they should pour out and overflow into the lives of all the people that we come in contact with, where we help them to be fruitful in their lives as well. Yeah, that's what we've talked about the last couple of weeks. That was a lot, Philip. What stands out to you? What do you want to add to that?
Speaker 2:Really just something that struck me when you were talking about the, the, the part about bearing fruit and things like. That is the wisdom of god. His system is so wise because, even in in like as, as a natural example, a farmer going out, he plants corn. Uh, the thing that he uses to actually the seed that he would use for corn is the corn kernel, right? So he puts those things in the ground, you know, cultivates the soil, makes sure no pests get to it, makes sure the rain doesn't wash it out too much, or whatever else he has to do to try to maintain that planting, to try to maintain that, that, uh, that planting. And then, all of a sudden, when the time comes, harvest time comes, guess what? He's got a field full of corn stalks with thousands of kernels on each.
Speaker 2:Uh, what is it? Cob, I guess, I don't know. Each year, yeah, each year, there you go, it's the ear of corn. Each ear has a thousands of kernels on it, or at least hundreds, and it's like oh, wait a minute, that's the same thing I use to plant this very thing, right? And it's true with any fruit or any vegetable, whatever. I'm probably I'm not thinking about it too, but too well at this moment, but I know that that seed is always contained in whatever the fruit is that comes out. It's amazing to me, man Like that's the wisdom of God to put the very thing that you use to produce that fruit in the first place. It's also contained in that fruit when it grows to full maturity, so that way you could literally never run out. That's God's system, where you can literally have food forever.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Isn't that wild. It's a good kind of wild, not a bad kind of wild.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's good, philip, that's really good. It's perpetual and when you take it over into you know that's the natural but the metaphorical, as it says, it's the same outcome.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:It's the same outcome. Imagine having overwhelming love constantly being produced in your life, forgiveness and meekness, and temperance and self-control. You know joy, kindness. You know all of these things being produced in your life in such abundance that you know that you don't have any other choice but to share the fruit with other people you know, in the natural, what would we do if we had an abundance of fruit? We'd take the eggs, we'd take the corn, we'd take the other things that we were growing.
Speaker 1:We'd put them in a basket and take them over to the neighbor and say here, here's some fruit you know and and that's what god is wanting us to do in our daily lives to have enough to bless a neighbor, to bless your children, to bless the people at work and to just be an agent of change because of the fruitful life that you live.
Speaker 2:That's good, david, that's good.
Speaker 1:So, phillip, I thought we would start because I found something. Let me open up my other computer here. I found something the other day and just doing some reading, and I want to read this thought to you about walking in the spirit. It says to walk in the spirit is to follow the spirit's leading. It is essential, it is essentially to walk with the Spirit, allowing Him to guide your steps and conform your mind.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 1:I'm going to read that one more time. To walk in the Spirit is to follow the Spirit's leading. It is essentially to walk with the Spirit, allowing Him to guide your steps and conform your mind.
Speaker 2:That's good man.
Speaker 1:What is just run with that for a minute, phil. What stands out to you there?
Speaker 2:The first thing that pops into my head is that, when it talks about how you're to follow His lead, I'm sure a lot of people may think well, how do I do that? How do I know when he's leading? You know what are the signs or what are the things that could tell me that he's leading me? This is where you have to always go back to the word of God, the written word, because he will never lead you in a way or down a path that does not align with his written word. You have to have that as your, as your foundation. That's probably the biggest thing because, you know, there there's you and I.
Speaker 2:David, we've met a lot of people and maybe at one time I probably was this kind of person where it's like the spirit's leading me to do this, or the spirit's leading me to do that, or I was led to do dah, dah, dah, dah, and then you find out it's some one of the kookiest things in the world that can't be found in the Bible anywhere, and it's like was the spirit really leading you to do that or was it just what you thought sounded awesome and spiritual? You?
Speaker 2:know, or your flesh or your flesh sometimes, cause, you know, we've, we've had, we've encountered people who the spirit led me to divorce my wife and marry this girl over here that was my high school crush, you know. Is that the spirit leading you, you know? So we have to kind of measure these things.
Speaker 1:It's the unborn baby in her womb that you went out and shacked up in me, and now that's the spirit leading you. You wonder, philip, the spirit wasn't leading you before you shacked up. Where was he? Where was he and how did he become so clear afterwards?
Speaker 2:Right, right. See, I'm telling you one thing that almost always happens desire begins to cloud your judgment. Right always happens, desire begins to cloud your judgment, and so we think a lot of times that we're being led by the spirit, quote, unquote. But many times it's just our human desire leading us a certain way, and I think, too like if what you claim that you're being led to do always lines up with what your flesh also wants to do. You might want to check those things, because they might not be coming from the Holy.
Speaker 2:Spirit. Because, jesus, it's not that you have to live a life of an ascetic where you're never doing anything that you actually want to do per se, but at the same time you don't want to make excuses for you know fleshly desires that you haven't put down yet, by saying, well, this is what the Holy Ghost is actually leading me to do, or this is what the Spirit is leading me, or that kind of thing. You got to be careful about that stuff, man, because he will never lead you in an area or in a way that does not align with his word. Like just a quick example in the Bible I think it's in first Corinthians six it says flee fornication. Like literally run from it Right Now.
Speaker 2:Fornication, as we know, is like any kind of illicit sexual activity, stuff that you are doing with your private parts that you should not be doing If you're not married. He put that plain as day in the scripture. He said flee fornication. It's not something that a believer should be caught up in. So if you're out there sleeping around, I don't care how much you think you love somebody or whatever, or how much you think they love you. If y'all haven't tied that knot, there's no rings on those fingers. That is not something you can claim that the Holy Spirit is leading you to do.
Speaker 1:And there's no justification for it either. Right, there's no slipping around that scripture, because it's clear and what God's expectation of us is clear, exactly.
Speaker 2:Exactly, exactly, and so I think one of the ways that we can kind of begin to sharpen this skill of being led by the Spirit is also to find out what's not Him, you know. And so that's where, again, the written word comes into play. If it's not lining up with God's Word, you're probably not being led by the Spirit of God. It's probably more just a fleshly desire or something that maybe sounds good but may not necessarily be good If that makes sense. But then, on the other hand, if let's say that you, you have a desire to to you see a homeless person on the street and you desire to you see a homeless person on the street and you want to, you know they're starving, you want to buy them a meal.
Speaker 2:I don't even think you really necessarily have to check with God for something like that. I mean, the Bible says he that has pity upon the poor lends to the Lord, you know, and that which he has given, the Lord will repay back. So there's not much checking necessarily that you have to do in a case like that. It's like, okay, you know well, god, the word of God's plain. I might need to go buy this person some food. You know that's being led by the spirit. In that case, if that's what's putting your heart and stirring in your heart in that moment, that might be something the spirit of God's leading you to do.
Speaker 1:Right To do good is not something you have to question whether or not because it's doing good, but you have to do good for the right reasons.
Speaker 2:Yeah absolutely.
Speaker 1:Philip, I want to share a scripture, Psalm 31, verse 3. It says For you are my rock and my fortress. Therefore, for thy name's sake, lead me and guide me yes. So we see David here praying for God to lead and to guide him. Yes and I think that's a prayer that should be on our heart. The Bible talks extensively about God leading and guiding Him. Philip, do you have another? I know that we talked about that John 16. Yeah, yeah, 13. Why don't you share that one? That'd be a great one.
Speaker 2:Sure, sure, in John chapter 16, this whole dialogue that Jesus is in beginning in John 14, really, but going through John 16, he's kind of gathering the disciples together. He's telling them what's going to happen. He's saying hey look, I'm not going to be around forever, but when I leave, I won't leave you comfortless. I have someone coming who's going to help you and be with you. And he was talking about the Holy Spirit. And so by the time we get to John 16, I love this in verse 12. He said there's so much more I want to tell you, but you can't bear it. Now I'm like, wow, man, I wish I could find out what he was going to try to tell them. But anyway, in verse 13, it says when the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. Now, the spirit of truth is obviously talking about the Holy Spirit. He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own, but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. Wow, he will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. And then he backs it up in verse 15. All that belongs to the Father is mine. This is why I said the Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.
Speaker 2:There's another translation and I forgot which one it is. I think it may be the Amplified, but it says in verse 14, it says he will take what belongs to me. Let's talk about Jesus. He'll take what belongs to Jesus and transmit it to you. I love that. He will take what belongs to me and transmit it to you. You just passed the John. Oh yeah, there we go, keep going, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:There we go, keep going.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, one more, a little bit further amplified. There it is. He will disclose it to you. I don't know, maybe it's the Amplified Classic translation or whatever, but one of them says transmit. And that word just kind of stood out to me when I saw it in that translation it was like wow.
Speaker 2:So it's literally a communication that happens on a spiritual level. It's something a lot of times that is hard to explain because we're talking about spiritual things. And the Bible says you know, god's ways are higher than our ways. Isaiah 55, you know his ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our ways. Isaiah 55, you know his, his ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
Speaker 2:And he also said in John three he said the wind blows how it wants to and you can't really tell where it's coming from or where it's going. So is everyone who's born of the spirit. This is the way a born again believer lives. It's like there's a certain element of being able to catch the wind of what's happening in that moment that the Spirit of God might be impressing on your heart. If that makes sense, there's something about it. Again, it's not fully explainable, if you will. But when we talk about being led by the Spirit, the way that it's come across to me after many years of studying and kind of just thinking on this stuff, it really boils down to these impressions that you get in your mind and heart. It's these things that you feel you ought to do and, again, like we said earlier, that line up with the Word of God or things that are, I guess, maybe one natural kind of way to explain.
Speaker 2:It is like a hunch or kind of a prompting or an idea that maybe pops in your head. It could be the most natural, normal thing in the world. It doesn't necessarily have to come with fireworks and an angel shining light on your face and nothing like that. Sometimes it's just very, very simple, very calm, kind of like what it said about Elijah when he was in the cave. It said that you know, the earthquake came but God wasn't in the earthquake and the wind blew and God wasn't in the wind, and then finally it said he was in that still small voice. That's so good and it's like being led by the spirit of God many, many times.
Speaker 2:I'd say in my, in my experience, like 90% of the time, is something very natural, very calm and very almost hesitate to say it might be taken the wrong way almost undetectable, if you want to put it that way. It's just something very. It feels very natural, like a prompting or an impression that you get. Maybe I should do this today, maybe I should call so-and-so, maybe I should go up here. Sometimes it could be something simple like, okay, I've got five errands to run today. Okay, I think I might want to go drop the mail off, but before you know, before I do that, let me go over here and, you know, get my laundry detergent from the store.
Speaker 2:Sometimes it's so naturally done that you don't recognize you're being led by the Spirit. But then, all of a sudden, when you're in the store, you run into somebody you hadn't seen in five years. Y'all reconnect and it's something that God had already ordained and you would have missed that person had you decided to go do the mail thing first. So it's like dude, some of this stuff, it amazes me. It's happened to me and I know, david, you can say the same thing. It's happened so many times in my life that I'm like gosh, it can't be just me, it has to be God. Some of these things that have happened, these divine appointments? You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:Yeah, philip, I think there's a question that we need to answer for people and it might seem silly, so I, yes, I'm the one being silly, maybe, but if we look, john, if you pull that John 16 back up, it says, how be it? Or I'm King James, again sorry. When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. So no, you're fine, you're fine, it says when the spirit of truth comes. So, philip, just a quick question has the Spirit of Truth come yet?
Speaker 2:That's such a good question, David. I'm so glad you asked it. Man, he came on the day of Pentecost.
Speaker 1:Don't talk about it in the book of Acts.
Speaker 2:Yeah, in the book of Acts, chapter 2, because Jesus had promised. He said okay, wait until you be endued with power from on high. He told the disciples that when he left, and then I think it was 50, 40 days later. 50 days later, the day of Pentecost comes and it says they were all in that upper room gathered together, and all of a sudden there was a sound like a rushing mighty wind. All of a sudden it's like flames of fire. They called it tongues of fire in the king james. There it is uh yep.
Speaker 2:On the day of pentecost, all the believers this is acts, chapter uh two, verse one. On the day of pentecost, all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty wind storm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them, and everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. So, right off the rip, this is the grand introduction of the Holy Spirit into this earth, which I think is just an amazing thought.
Speaker 2:And from that time, any person who confesses Jesus as their Lord, who believes that he was raised from the dead, makes that confession. As soon as they do that, god recreates their spirit and puts his spirit inside of them. The Holy Spirit takes up residence as soon as you become born again. He's in there and that, to me, is the most valuable thing about this. Christian life is the presence and the companionship of the Holy Spirit. I can't tell you what it means to me. I can't tell you man. And so, yes, to make the long story short, he has come. He is in every believer who has put their trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Speaker 1:Right, and one other thing to add to that is that you don't lose the Holy Spirit.
Speaker 2:No no.
Speaker 1:Oh no. The Bible says that he is a helper, right, he's here to help. That's what Jesus said he would do. He would help. So he's leading, he's guiding, he's here to help you. What is he here to help you do? To walk out this life following God.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:He's here to help you to draw closer to God, yeah, to draw and understand him better, to understand his word better and, ultimately, bear fruit, bear much fruit that will last. It says bear fruit that will last, yeah, and live this life to its fullest until Jesus calls you. Wow, wow. And so know that the Holy Spirit in you is purposeful.
Speaker 1:And so now, what we're called to do is we're called to walk in or walk with the Spirit, and then not only are we called to walk in or walk with the Spirit, and then not only are we called to walk with Him, but to allow Him to guide our steps. And look at the second part of that statement and conform our minds.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes.
Speaker 1:Because it's not just the walking with the spirit that's critically important. We have to have a new way of thinking and seeing, and the holy spirit also helps you to see things well, to think properly about the things that are going on, so that you can walk with him and your walk will be fruitful. Uh, that I just. That's just another important piece of the puzzle. I want to read another scripture to you really quickly. It's oh, where did it go? Where did it go? Colossians 3.16. It says Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. That wasn't exactly the scripture that I thought it was, but I do agree with the part where it says let the word or the message about Christ and all its richness fill your lives. Fill your lives how, in your spirit and in your thinking. You've got to have a completely full life and since we're talking about this being conformed in your thinking, you've got to have a completely full life. And since we're talking about this being conformed in your thinking, a perfect scripture that we constantly run to to better understand.
Speaker 1:This is Romans 12, 1 and 2, and it kind of embodies that's where I meant to go. It kind of embodies the whole thing where it says and so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice, the kind he will find acceptable. So God is asking for your body. Give it over to him willingly, and give him the whole thing. He says this is truly the way to worship him. And then verse 2 says don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.
Speaker 1:Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. So there's a promise there that as you submit yourselves to God as living sacrifices, give your body wholly, totally to him and then, at the same time, while you're giving your body to him, don't copy what you're seeing in the world, but let him renew your mind with the washing of the water of the word. And when you do this, it's good, pleasing and perfect, wow.
Speaker 2:Wow. All of this has to be done in partnership with the Holy Spirit, absolutely. There's no way that you and I can do it alone, and we weren't intent, it was not intended for us to do it alone.
Speaker 1:I love that word partnership Philip. Praise God, I love that I think that's the word for. When we walk with the Holy Spirit, we're walking in a partnership. He's waiting for us to give him our submitted selves and our submitted minds. And he in return is guiding and leading us, and as long as we're following him, we're guaranteed to make the right steps.
Speaker 2:That's right. That's right. And what's interesting is, as you do that, as you yield to him and it is a yielding it is a yielding and your pride will try to swell up, your reasoning sometimes will try to get in the way You'll do the Proverbs 3 thing where you lean to your own understanding instead of trusting in the wisdom of God. All those things can come to try to be blockers sometimes, to just letting the Spirit of God lead you and gently guide you. But once you get past those things and it's a process that we're all in, okay, you, because there may be some days where you get past it then the very next day you back, you know, back into your own mind instead of you know really being led by him.
Speaker 2:Um, but once you do it's interesting you do what romans 12, at the very end of that that verse in, I think, is verse three, when it was verse three, when it's, or verse two, when it says then you'll be able to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Right, it's, it's, it's something. You put it to the proof. Once that happens and all of a sudden your mind starts changing a little bit more. Oh, this really is how God wants me. This really is what God wants. This really is how God thinks. This really is how God thinks.
Speaker 1:This bears fruit in my life.
Speaker 2:It bears fruit in my life. It's like when I do things that are in alignment with God's word and with his stated will, it proves it in my own mind. Does that make sense? Yeah, it does, because, he says be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove. It's like, once you've done it and gotten on the other side of it, you know what things are God's will versus what's not his will. You know, I know I might not be explaining it the best way, man, but no, I think, I know, I think, man, no, I think you're doing great.
Speaker 2:I appreciate it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, let me throw another term that we dug into a little bit here, and it's the term pneuma, because I think it's an important piece of this puzzle. The word pneuma is used in the New Testament to denote various concepts related to spirit and breath. It can refer to the Holy Spirit, who is the third person of the Trinity, as well as the human spirit, demonic spirits or even the general concept of wind or breath. How will you know which one it's speaking to? The Word will guide you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's right.
Speaker 1:The Word makes it clear. But listen to this. In a theological context, pneuma often signifies the immaterial life-giving force or presence of God. It is a key term in discussions of spiritual life, regeneration and divine inspiration. Remember, the Holy Spirit is the breath of God and when you think about it, we are walking daily with the breath of God. It, we are walking daily with the breath of God. He only gives you what he's been taught and heard of the Father.
Speaker 1:So really the Holy Spirit is a heavenly conduit. If God speaks and there's a breath that comes out of his mouth, it is the Holy Spirit.
Speaker 2:That's right. That's right. Let me throw one on you, david. I just thought about this man In 2 Timothy 3, I don't know, john, if you could pop that up on the screen. 2 Timothy 3, this thing about the breath of God, because, like that word, pneuma, like you talked about, that's where we get our word pneumatics from in like English when it talks about things that use air for power, you know, like a pneumatic drill or you know, praise God like certain, like a nail gun.
Speaker 2:There's pneumatic nail guns and things like that that use air for power. That's like concentrated air. But I wanted to do verse 16. Here's where the partnership with the word comes into play. And it says all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what's true and to make us realize what's wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we're wrong and teaches us to teach us what's true and to make us realize what's wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we're wrong and teaches us to do what's right. Now, here's the interesting thing. When you look up that word inspired in the Greek, it literally means God breathed. Yep, all scripture is God breathed. So the scripture is Holy Spirit inspired. It contains the breath of God. The Holy Spirit is. It's like he's the material that makes up the scriptures, not the ink and paper, but the actual idea and communication that comes across from what's on the paper, if that makes sense, and he is. It's interesting when Moses first received the Ten Commandments and he had the stone tablets and he comes down from the mountain and it said you know, there was like these etchings in the tablets and it said that they were written with the finger of God. I find that fascinating, first of all.
Speaker 2:Then we get into the New Testament, and I don't know where this is exactly. I know it's in Matthew, probably Matthew, I don't know 14 maybe. But Jesus said if I cast out demons by the finger of God, and other translations say by the Spirit of God, like the other gospels say by the Spirit of God, for that same verse. So there's a connection there. The scriptures were written by the finger of God, which actually was the Holy Spirit, and Jesus himself referred to the Holy Spirit as the finger of God in the New Testament. So there's another sign that God is working like in this unified way for his communication. It comes by the Spirit. And again I feel like I'm just excitedly rambling, but I think it's making sense excitedly rambling but I think it's making sense.
Speaker 1:You're rambling well, because in all of these senses of the breath of God that we're talking about is God communicating to men by his spirit, and we're saying that to walk in the spirit is to avoid walking in the flesh, and that's what we're after. But then it kind of centralizes to me, philip, and I want to read one more verse, one more scripture for us, but it centralizes to me and then I'll read this afterwards and jump back that the only way then for me oh gosh, okay, now I'm doing it the central piece in knowing, hearing, understanding the breath of God is God's word, which Philip just read to you is God breathe.
Speaker 2:Come on now. Come on now.
Speaker 1:In order for us to walk, the number one thing that we have to have to walk in the Spirit is we have to have the Word of God.
Speaker 2:Come on brother.
Speaker 1:It becomes the measuring stick for it all.
Speaker 2:Yes, and this is why there's always such an attack against the written Word of God.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Always.
Speaker 1:And they've been attacking the written word of God literally for ages. We just had this whole situation happen, even on podcasts For those of you who listen to podcasts where you know you've got the two guys that are debating. I forget what their names are, I forget what their names are, but you know, one is showing the truth of Scripture to a guy that had been going around to podcast after podcast after podcast saying the Scripture wasn't true. And if you're a baby Christian or you're a secularist or an atheist, you're grabbing on to the guy who's saying this stuff isn't true, it doesn't show up in the. You know Septuagint, gigantus and you know all of this stuff. And the other guy's like no, actually here's the efficacy of Scripture, and begins to show and break it down and you begin to see what really is true. But they've been coming for the word. I remember a couple of years ago, philip, when they tried to say that the things that Paul was preaching, that Paul really wasn't who he said he was.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 1:If they can't take the whole word, then they try to break down the people that the Bible presents as communicators and truth tellers, those who've heard the breath of God and written down what God gave them, and they try to make mockery and to just break them down. And through it all all of these years. Now you'd think they would learn, but the Word stands the test of time.
Speaker 2:Yes, it does the.
Speaker 1:Word stands forever and no matter how you try to break it down, no matter how you try to come for it, the Word continues to be the word, unchanged, and men have to get over it. Now you see people fall away, but that's them changing, that's not the word changing.
Speaker 2:Come on, bro, come on. The word does not change.
Speaker 1:Let me just read this last scripture. No, I'm going to save it for next. No, I'm going to read it and then we'll jump into next time. Maybe we'll start here next time, because I want to.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, say it, say it, say it. A quick little quote that I heard. It just kind of falls in line with what you just said. The word is an anvil that has broken many hammers.
Speaker 1:I love that. I love that I love that Praise God. I kind of want to bring us full circle back around, though, to something not only our scripture foundation of Galatians, 5.16, but I want to take us back to our last series that we did about breaking the cycle of sin, because it takes us back to Romans, chapter 8. And Romans, chapter 8, 1 through 4, says there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.
Speaker 1:Now you begin to you kind of begin to see why walking in the Spirit matters, because you don't walk in the flesh when you're you avoid walking in the flesh when you're walking in the Spirit because you got Holy Ghost GPS directing you around to help you avoid the pitfalls.
Speaker 2:That's good man.
Speaker 1:That walking in the flesh will cause you to hit all of them.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:It goes on to say, for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death For what the law could not do in that it was weak, through the flesh. God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin. Condemn sin in the flesh that the righteousness of the law may be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.
Speaker 1:Now you see why that scripture, when we hit it back a few weeks ago, several weeks ago, was so important and now we're shedding more light on it because we realize that the key is walking in and with the Spirit through everyday life, that's right. And, as we said, the cornerstone is the Word of God.
Speaker 2:That's right, that's right, and to walk in the Spirit is to walk with the Spirit of God. That's right, that's right. And to walk in the spirit is to walk with the spirit.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:It's a companionship and a fellowship. And I'm telling you, in my humble opinion, the promise of the spirit is the greatest blessing of the new covenant, absolutely Hands down. It was honestly, when, when I, when you start looking into it a little bit more and I'm you know, if I'm out of line, just tell me uh, it may have been. The very objective for the cross, for the resurrection, was for him to be able to put his spirit in each and every man on this planet. That's true, obviously. I think about that because of what Galatians says, when it says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law and it says he was made a curse for us. Oh gosh, john, would you mind going to Galatians 3? We'll see if we can find that. It's coming into my head In Galatians 3, verse probably 13-ish.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there it is. Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse of our own doing for our own doing, for it is written in the scriptures cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree. Here's where it gets. Awesome, it's been awesome. God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing he promised to Abraham, so that we who are believers might receive the promised Holy Spirit through faith. It's almost come on now. It's almost like the whole objective for the cross was to get us to the place where we could receive the Holy Spirit. So you tell me how important that might be in the eyes of God.
Speaker 1:Right, and what we're not saying is we're not saying salvation wasn't the thing, right, but we're talking about that to walk out this life and live this life, that you have to believe that he opened the door for us to be able to get the Holy Spirit because we're not alone. That's the thing God didn't want us to be alone and he knew we needed a help.
Speaker 2:Yep, and salvation is an absolute prerequisite. You can't receive the Holy Spirit without salvation. So it's one of those things. It's like the Holy Spirit coming with that salvation package just makes it like, you know, the chef's kiss, as they call it.
Speaker 1:So that's good, that's good. All right, we're going to put a bookmark in this thing right here. Okay, we accept the fact that we may have been a little bit all over the place, right, and David may have thrown out a random scripture he didn't mean to.
Speaker 2:I stayed in the world of random, so don't worry about it.
Speaker 1:But hear us. We can all walk in the Spirit, we can all walk with the breath of God.
Speaker 2:That's right.
Speaker 1:In our everyday lives, and God was intentional and purposeful and it was by design that he's given us the Holy Spirit to walk out and live this life, and because we have help, and help specifically from God we can win yes and help specifically from God. We can win that's the thing we can win, and we can live this life to the fullest and bear much fruit. Let's pray for the people. Let's pray for them to get something out of this and begin to walk with the Spirit like never before.
Speaker 2:All right. Father, we thank you for, first of all, the gift of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for the gift of salvation that makes it possible for the Holy Spirit to live in us, and we're so grateful. We're so grateful for all that he is to us. You said in your word that he's the comforter, he's the counselor, he's the strengthener, the teacher, the standby, the one who guides us into all truth, the one who shows us things to come. All those things describe who he is, father. And you also said where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, and so we're grateful that we have freedom through Christ, freedom through him, the Holy Spirit living inside of us.
Speaker 2:And I pray for every person out there, lord, who may have not yet received the gift of salvation.
Speaker 2:I pray that you'll just move on their hearts, impress it upon their hearts, their need for a Savior, impress it upon their hearts your desire to be good to them and to show them your goodness, and so that they can also receive the Holy Spirit. And for those who are believers, for those who have received Jesus, I pray that you'll show them in a very clear and practical way how to walk in the Spirit, what it means to them personally. Increase their hunger and desire for your word. Increase their hunger and desire for prayer towards the things of God. Increase their desire towards the things of God. We pray and we just give you praise for prayer towards the things of God. Increase their desire towards the things of God. We pray and we just give you praise for that. Lord, we thank you that you've already begun this good work in each one of us, and you will continue to perform it and complete it until the day that Jesus returns, and we thank you for all these things in Jesus' name, amen.
Speaker 1:Amen Praise.
Speaker 2:God.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for joining us for this episode of Bible Bros and Brew. We hope that you got some information from it and inspiration. We want to encourage you don't just stop your digging here. Take an opportunity to take the notes from this episode or other things that you've gathered, other books that you might have on the subject, and dig, dig in the word. That's the most important book that you have to lead and guide you, so use it and use it well.
Speaker 1:We hope that you'll connect with us. You can connect with us on social media. We're on Instagram, we're on X, we're on Facebook. We don't even know if there'll be a TikTok, so we might as well not mess with that, but we're out there for you guys to connect with and we'd love to hear from you. You can also comment on whatever podcast app that you may listen to this on. We're also on Rumble and YouTube, so please leave a comment there. Let us know if there's something you'd like, questions that you may have. You can also shoot those questions to us on social media, or you can email us at gotbrew at biblebrosnet. Again, that's gotbrew at biblebrosnet. Again, that's gotbrew at biblebrosnet. We'd love to connect with you. So, hey, do us a favor. Remember I just finished talking about a few weeks ago in our episode about breaking the cycle of sin. We want to encourage you to go take a look at that now and get some more information Until next time. I'm David, he's Philip and we're out.