Bible, Bros & Brew
Bible, Bros, & Brew is all about helping you navigate your relationship with God in practical, real-life ways. Hosts David and Phil dig into scripture—'chopping up the word'—and bring it to life with insights you can actually use every day. And while they’re at it, they share their favorite 'brews'—don’t worry, it’s not booze! Just a solid lineup of classic coffees and teas to keep the conversations flowing.
Bible, Bros & Brew
Breaking the Cycle| Embracing True Identity & Spirit-Led Living| Bible, Bros & Brew
What if embracing your true identity in Christ could break the chains of sin and lead to a more fulfilling, victorious life? In this episode of Bible, Bros & Brew, we dive into Romans 8, unpacking the transformative power of renewing our minds and fully stepping into the grace that calls us to rise above our struggles. With heartfelt reflections and relatable stories, we explore how understanding our identity in Christ equips us to live above sin and experience the freedom God has promised.
Our candid conversation takes a deeper look at the tension between the flesh and the spirit, drawing lessons from biblical figures like Adam and David. Their journeys remind us of the power of honesty and repentance in deepening our relationship with God. We discuss the necessity of confession, not as a sign of weakness but as a path to healing and transformation, fostering an atmosphere of openness and truth with our Creator.
As we wrap up, we reflect on the Spirit's guidance in overcoming life’s challenges, encouraging self-assessment and spiritual alignment. We challenge societal norms and hope to inspire a deeper reliance on the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss this thought-provoking episode filled with wisdom and encouragement to live boldly in Christ.
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#BibleBrosAndBrew #Romans8 #BreakFreeFromSin #IdentityInChrist #SpiritualFreedom #FaithAndRepentance #ChristianPodcast #HolySpiritGuidance #WalkingInFaith #BiblicalWisdom #ChristianCommunity
On this episode of Bible Bros and Brew, we're going to be continuing in the vein that we started a few podcasts back about breaking the cycle of sin and we started the journey in Romans 6, and we've gone through Romans 6 and 7, and now we're going to touch on Romans 8. We're actually continuing what we started last week with Romans 8, and really just kind of dig into this thing of our identity in Christ and what it means in terms of being able to live in a way that honors God and in a way that will set you free from the bondages of sin. So stay tuned, it's going to be awesome. Welcome, welcome everyone to this episode of Bible Bros and Brew. My name is Philip and, of course, with me is the magnanimous david McIntyre. Whoops, yeah, there we go. Try to point the right way one of the days. I'm going to get that right the first try. So, uh, that's something to look forward to if you tune in on the regular but, uh, anyway, we're glad you guys have joined us.
Speaker 1:Uh, as of this taping tonight we're we're actually doing our live stream right now, but this is actually Thanksgiving Eve and so we're trying to squeeze this episode in before we chow down on some turkey and all that kind of good stuff. But we've been talking about breaking the cycle of sin and we started off in Romans 6, really kind of digging into what the scriptures say about our position in Christ, our identity in Christ, and how that relates to how we should look at sin and how to treat sin. And as we kind of ventured on through the different episodes, we went through Romans 6, through Romans 7 as well. Now we're finally in Romans 8, and we've been this is actually a continuation of us starting in the first few verses of Romans 8 last week, so it's going to be a good one.
Speaker 1:I think this is one of the most powerful things you can actually do is just sit down with your Bible, go verse by verse, line upon line, precept upon precept, just like the Bible says, precept upon precept, just like the Bible says and really start digging into the thread and train of thought that the Holy Spirit kind of takes Paul on as he was writing this letter. So, anyway, before we get too deep into it, david, I wanted to ask you since we always love to do this segment right off the bat what is in your cup this evening?
Speaker 2:Well, tonight, as you can see by my cup, I'm holding on to the last vestiges of fall, yes, while I sip into the new season of Christmas. So I've got another holiday blend for you. Well, I introduced to you a week before last the uh sugar cookie oh yes green mountain. That was really good. Tonight I am drinking 31 presents out from black rifle coffee. It has notes of chocolate, of citrus and it has some notes of maple in it.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:I'm enjoying the chocolate flavor that I'm getting into it and I am adjusting myself to the other flavors that are inside. So it's one that you would like, and it'd be a great little variation for the holiday. Nice, what are you?
Speaker 1:drinking. A variation for the holiday Nice.
Speaker 2:What are you drinking?
Speaker 1:Well, I think it's important to also pair up with what you've been describing about your coffee. So this coffee here actually is very similar. It's called the Columbia, from Peregrine Columbia, atunca Decaf, and it has similar notes. Man, it's got cinnamon chocolate, a tune, a decaf, and it has similar notes. Man, it's got a cinnamon chocolate tangerine. So there's your citrus situation and then, uh, some Marzipan as well. Oh, let me get my focus on there we go. But, uh, I think those, um, those notes, to me, what I taste the most from this is probably that, that chocolatey kind of situation, which I am a fan. So, um, it's super good, man, super, super good, it's a decaf, because I'm trying not to be as wired, uh, for this podcast.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Cause you. You run late hours.
Speaker 1:Yeah, for sure, for sure. So, um, just trying to make sure I, uh, I approach things with a chill, uh disposition during this time. So I'm just trying to make sure I approach things with a chill disposition during this time. So, but yeah, so that is what's in our cups and now it's time for us to really dig into what's in the word. And, as we mentioned, we've been talking about Romans 8 on the theme of breaking the cycle of sin, and I will say this, and I know David definitely will attest to this as well Dealing with sin is not something that's going to happen overnight in terms of, like, conquering sin and saying, hey, I no longer do these X, y, z things that I used to get wrapped up in before I was saved, or whatever the case is.
Speaker 1:There is always a transition time. There's always a time to go through the process of renewing your mind and specifically renewing your mind to what the scripture says about how to live. And so and that's what we're really wanting to focus on with this, this whole series of podcasts we're doing it's not so much this fantasy idea of one minute you know you're in sin in some kind of way. Next minute it totally disappears out of your life forever. This is one of those things where it will take time, and take that process of renewing your mind to understand why, first of all, that God considers that thing to be sin, whatever it is, and then and of course the answers are always found in the word but then also to do to address those things, that that God has labeled as sin, how to deal with it. You know how to, how to stop going on the the hamster wheel of sin over and over again and learning finally how to walk free from that thing.
Speaker 1:And I know, david, you could probably say the same thing. It's like there were certain things that I used to do before I got saved, that I simply don't do anymore. But it didn't happen overnight. There were times when I slipped and fell, slipped and fell many, many times until finally my mind got renewed enough to where I understood that the deceptiveness of that sin could no longer trick me anymore. I understood it for what it was after a while, and it's almost like that thing where if you don't know something's dangerous, it can get you when you least expect it. It can get you when you least expect it, and until we start looking at certain sins, or until we start seeing sin for what it really is, which is something destructive, then we'll probably still think there's probably more benefit to doing something than not doing it.
Speaker 2:You know, Philip, you reminded me of a video. I saw where a little kid, a little baby, was playing with a snake. Oh wow, the baby was just like having a great old time just swinging this snake around. The baby had no idea how dangerous that snake was Right, exactly, and so you of course get some freaked out parents trying to get the snake out of the baby's hands and out of their home. That's a great example of what you're saying when you don't know how dangerous something is until it strikes you.
Speaker 1:Yep, there you go, there you go. It reminds me of something I heard a long time ago. I don't know if you ever heard this thing about um, with antifreeze. They say antifreeze actually tastes like kool-aid or like something sweet, and so sometimes, like dogs, like, say, there's a neighborhood dog, uh, they will lick up antifreeze off the street, like where cars park or whatever it is, and get sick sometimes because it has such a sweet flavor.
Speaker 1:But it's dangerous and can be deadly. You know, and it's that same kind of thing. It's like not everything that's being presented as something beneficial or fun or good is beneficial and good. You know, that's the deceitfulness of sin. That's what Hebrews chapter three talks about when it says you know, don't harden your heart, but be aware, because you don't want to lose that sensitivity to God and fall victim to the deceitfulness of sin. So, in light of all that I know, before I get off on too many tangents, I do want to go ahead and pull up Romans 8.
Speaker 1:And we did start on that last week, talking about the first few verses, because it was obviously on the heels of Romans 7, where Paul was talking about the struggle of, you know, trying to do the right thing, but then you find that you do the wrong thing instead, and the times when you're trying to refrain from doing something wrong, you end up doing it anyway. All that kind of stuff. And he was saying you know, I feel like I'm just a hot mess here. How am I going to ever be free from this? And then he says I thank God through Jesus Christ, my Lord. That's like the last verses of Romans 7.
Speaker 1:Then we transitioned over into Romans 8. And we talked about how there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ and we spent some time that's actually Romans 8.1. We spent some time talking about what that word condemnation meant, and it means like an adverse judgment. You know, we kind of dug into that whole thing about how God judged sin judged your and my sin when he sent Jesus to the cross. That sin has been judged, that sin has been punished. That's why it says in 2 Corinthians 5 that he no longer is holding the world's sins against them because he put them on Christ.
Speaker 2:Something interesting, philip. I was going to say that it seems to me that the reason that it says there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus is because the other verse makes it. I think it's clear. Paul is saying and now jump on me if I go wrong. Okay, it's all right, because I'm putting out there a thought I haven't had before.
Speaker 2:Okay, um, that paul is saying he's talking about his own struggle and just making it very plain that the things that he would do that's what he doesn't do, and so forth and so on. And it's saying that the reason why there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus is because even when you're in Christ Jesus and you sin, your sin is covered.
Speaker 1:That's right. That's right, absolutely.
Speaker 2:But that's only for those who are in Christ Jesus. But, now, once again, that takes us back to, you know, chapter six. Does the grace of God give us permission to commit sin? Right the answer is still no, that's right. Just because we're in Christ Jesus doesn't mean that we are free to sin. There you go, the fact that we are in Christ Jesus should mean that we are efforting not to sin. We're trying to live above sin.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, that's good, david, and I love what it says in verse 3. We're just going to kind of touch on these, since we dug into them a little bit more last week. But it says for what the law was powerless to do and that it was weakened by the flesh. God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful man, as an offering for sin. He thus condemned sin in the flesh so that the righteous standard of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit. He was saying the purpose of the law was not even so much to keep people from sinning. As long as you have a sinful nature, you're going to be inclined towards sin. That's just the bottom line.
Speaker 2:It's a problem man is inclined towards his flesh.
Speaker 1:That's it Bottom line. And we talked about I think it was last week. We talked about how a little child. You don't have to teach a child how to lie. You know they figure that out pretty quickly by themselves, but you do have to teach them how to tell the truth. You got to teach them how to be honest. That's right to teach him how.
Speaker 2:to be honest, that's right. We had a friend, Phillip, and she was the grandparent and the little boy had done something. And she went to the little boy and she said, Cash, did you do so-and-so? And he said, did you see me do it? Wow, dude.
Speaker 1:He might have a future as a lawyer. You never know.
Speaker 2:Right, but it's like that's the kind of stuff. It's like he was a little kid.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And even myself with grandchildren. They will lie with no help at all. It's self-preservation. Yeah, they seem to understand that very quickly.
Speaker 1:They do, they do.
Speaker 2:You're so right.
Speaker 1:Man, and it's always based around a fear of punishment in some way or the other. You know, right and honestly, that's the same thing Adam felt when he sinned in the garden. It's, the first thing that he felt was that need.
Speaker 1:I mean praise God. It's like that need to hide, that need to avoid accountability. It was the first thing Adam kind of deferred to right off the bat. So fascinating stuff, man. And what that really boils down to is that's the conviction of your conscience. It's talking to you saying oh, you done, did something wrong now and God's mad about it. You know, in one way or the other, or you're going to be punished for it, you know.
Speaker 2:And the response is quick hide.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, instead of which, you know, in a perfect world, it would be to run to God instead of run from God. You know, when you sin, in a perfect world you wouldn't be sinning first of all. But I think that's probably one of the biggest things that I had to renew my mind to is like, when you sin, that's not the time to hide from God, it's the time to run to God. It's the time to say okay, god, I screwed up, I blew it. And it's even Proverbs 28, I think. It says he who covers his sins will not prosper, but the person who confesses them and forsakes them will have mercy. And so there's a benefit to coming to God, just flat out, honest, and saying I blew it, I screwed up. And I think that's what was one of the blessings of Psalm 51.
Speaker 1:When David was found to be in sin, and you know, he came to God, he confessed it openly, and then he said this one thing in Psalm 51. He said God, you desire truth in the inward parts. And that thing got me man. It's like, until we can learn how to be a thousand percent honest with God which is sometimes not easy because we have to face up to our own crap. Until we learn how to do that, you know honestly, you can't even have true repentance. Until that happens. You know, until we learn how to do that, you know honestly, you can't even have true repentance. Until that happens, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's good Phil.
Speaker 1:Praise God. So in Romans 8, 5, it kind of goes down further in terms of talking about like the type of mentality we need to have now that we're believers in Christ. It says those who live according to the flesh will set their mind on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. The mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace, but the mind of the spirit is life and peace. And it says because the mind of the flesh is hostile to God, it does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the flesh cannot please God. This is huge stuff, man.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is, I love this. You know here, this, the mind of the flesh, is hostile to God. Another translation or one of the root words. Hostile is one of the root words. It's enmity is the word that the King James uses which means hostile and antagonistic. Yes, yes and you see, now we slip into, like this other realm of this battle for breaking the cycle of sin and, as the old book said, it's the battlefield of the mind.
Speaker 1:There you go, there you go.
Speaker 2:There's so much here and it has everything to do with what's going on in between your ears and the choices and decisions you've made up here about how you will and how you won't live, and whether you will have your mind set on the things of the flesh or if you live by the Spirit and have your mind set on the things of the Spirit. I mean your mindset matters.
Speaker 1:That's good, that's good man, and that's the truth. It's like that classic saying think about what you're thinking about.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:You know, I think sometimes as believers we can downplay not intentionally, but we can downplay the importance of the thought life Because we want to focus a lot on the spiritual things. You know, hey, but my spirit, this, my spirit, that Fantastic. But you got that mind to deal with and that mind still has all the old memories from when you weren't saved, you know, still has all the old thought patterns from when you weren't saved, still has all the old habits, even thought habits, from when you weren't saved. And that's the real issue is learning how to break the cycle of those habits and thought patterns that you deal with. Because, man, let's face it, dude, you know, nobody kind of gets through this world unscathed by sin. Okay, um, you know, I know my own testimony. I didn't even get saved until I was 21, so I had a lot of early life living like a maniac.
Speaker 2:You packed some bags early on.
Speaker 1:I did, man. I was deep in my bag of foolishness.
Speaker 2:You were shoving sin in a bag, like you were about to fly to Jamaica, brother.
Speaker 1:It was bananas, dude. I mean just the amount of trouble you can get into before you turn 21,. It would astound some people. You know, but you know and you live and you learn. But the sad thing is it's like you do have to deal with the scars and the things that come from living that type of sinful life. You do have to deal with that, it's all. That stuff is still there. It never left your brain. Your brain records everything from the time you're born, you know. So it's amazing how I think David you said a long time ago how those mental movies can play at like the most inconvenient times.
Speaker 2:The scars and wounds that you make for yourself, scars and wounds that you create for other people. Yeah, because I regret those the most.
Speaker 1:Oh yes, Good Lord.
Speaker 2:I know that I've hurt people, yeah, and some of it is irreparable. I can't go back to certain people now because they're gone. They're gone from the earth, and I can't go back to that person and say from the deepest part of my heart I repent and I'm so sorry for what I did to you. And so now you're forced to for lack of a better word live with it. But then God in his graciousness, god in his mercy, gives you the means to live with it.
Speaker 2:He first of all tells you that you have the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God is formed within you. And part of having that mind of Christ is saying I forget, as Paul says, those things which are behind me.
Speaker 1:And.
Speaker 2:I press forward towards the things that are in front of me. God will give you the grace to even forget some of the things that are in your past and allow you to be able to take steps forward. That's right. Let me tell you, you can meditate on your past and it can keep you stuck right where you are.
Speaker 1:Goodness.
Speaker 2:Your past errors and mistakes can leave you feeling presently unworthy and unable to be used by God because of all that you did.
Speaker 2:And look, I've been born again now for some 30 odd years now, born again for real, for real. I had some years where I was played by real born again. I was attending church and I called myself a Christian. Yeah, but, yeah anyway. But there I completely lost track of what I was saying because I was dealing with play, play. But yeah, there's, I mean, there's you. You can really allow your past. Oh, I know what it was. I'm all of these years old in Christ. But even just recently I think we talked about a little bit on the podcast my past errors got me stuck. Man, man, man, man can't do that if you don't have a mind for the spirit of life in christ jesus, that you have a mind that is set on spiritual things yeah because that the, the cleanup portion of the christian life doesn't happen to the fleshly minded person.
Speaker 2:The fleshly minded person continues in the flesh, doing the things of the flesh, maybe wondering, wondering. They hurt, they go through the same pain, but they have no outlet except becoming callous and hard-hearted. Wow, that are going on and the hurts and wounds that have been caused to them in Christ Jesus and having the mindset of Christ and being born again and having been made new in Him. In this part of life. There's all kinds of cleanup programs in the kingdom of God that are designed to help you to walk free and to walk new if you allow God to work that out in your life. But once again, it's just like we talked about last week If you're still sinning right now and you are born again, you're doing it because you want to.
Speaker 2:If you're unwilling to give your mind over to God and allow Him to cleanse and do work in you. That is by your choice. It's not the Father's choice.
Speaker 1:That's right. That's right. That's good, david. Yeah, so in Romans 8, let me split this back up on the screen. If I know how to do it, there we go.
Speaker 2:Thank you, Phil.
Speaker 1:Yes, sir Philip, and.
Speaker 2:I are producer-free tonight so we're out here in the wild, wild west trying to make things happen.
Speaker 1:We claim no liability for any foolishness that may ensue.
Speaker 2:None, none at all.
Speaker 1:And so down in verse 9, this is so interesting. He says you, however, are controlled.
Speaker 2:Sorry to interrupt you no you're good. Can we just touch on verse 8 really quick. Yes, yes, it says those controlled by the flesh cannot please God. That's heavy. That's heavy. What is it in Hebrews 11? 11,? Those that come to him must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him right Yep.
Speaker 2:So if you come to him believing, and that still puts you as having your mind the spirit set your mind, the spirit set your mind set on the things of the spirit, then that's a good place to believe that he is and he rewards those that diligently seek him. But for those who are controlled by the flesh, you can't even please God.
Speaker 1:That's right and you know it's interesting in that same passage in Hebrews, like a couple of verses back, it says but without faith it's impossible to please God.
Speaker 2:Thank you, that's what I was looking for.
Speaker 1:Praise God. But yeah, I mean it just goes to show you and this is interesting when you think about the connection there If you're controlled by the flesh, you're not in faith. You can't be, and that's the thing. That's another disadvantage of living a what we call the carnal lifestyle or the flesh led lifestyle is it is a huge damper on your faith. Yep, it's hard for you to believe that your prayers can be answered when you're out here doing stuff that you know is not right. If you can do that, man, you might have one of those split personalities, dude, because it's hard man, it's hard to think it's generous.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Because if I know that I'm not doing right, I know I'm acting a clown somewhere, I don't have confidence that my faith is working as well as it should. I just don't Because in the back of my mind I'm like, yeah, but you know what you did. Even though I'm trying to believe God for this or that or pray for this or that, in the back of my mind it's always that thing of but you know what you did, you know how you screwed up, you know this and that and the other, and I'm not saying that you know we earn the right to answer prayer by only doing good and avoiding doing evil, Because there's been plenty of times when God, in his grace, answered my prayers when I wasn't, you know, doing hardly anything right.
Speaker 2:You know weren't deserving, but the Lord did it anyway.
Speaker 1:Exactly so. It's definitely not a thing of earning it, but it is a thing of sin will affect your confidence. There's no way that it won't. Ew Kenyon said this a long time ago. He said sin makes cowards of men, and I love that quote. Sin makes cowards of men and I love that quote sin makes cowards of men. You can't fully allow faith to just flow through you and from you when you know there's sin in there, jamming it up. These are, you know these are contradicting spiritual forces, because you're not living in the flow that's congruent with God, when you're living in a state of repetitive sin, continuing doing something that you know is not right.
Speaker 2:You know, philip, I also want to just add this goes back to you know, we're tying things from six and seven back into here. This is talking about the result of choices.
Speaker 1:Yes, absolutely.
Speaker 2:When we choose the spirit or we choose the flesh, we choose the flesh, do you? I mean, just if you just can comprehend for a moment the concept that you can't even please God. There's nothing that you do, there's nothing that you say, no action that you're going to take that is going to be pleasing to God, except to finally choose him.
Speaker 1:Come on man, that's right. That will be your first pleasing to God, except to finally choose him.
Speaker 2:Come on man, that's right, that'll be your first pleasing to God action, and I think that's also kind of doubling back on our conversation last week. That's kind of part of the problem. Where we are in Christianity, right man, we're doing the works of the flesh and we're playing a game where we think we're pleasing God because we check off the going to church box.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:We're in service for a couple hours and then we go back to living like hell and we think that we're pleasing God because we went to church or we went to Wednesday Bible study. Right, I said a prayer today. Lord, keep me from slapping so-and-so. The Lord knows my heart and we do all of those things and in all of it the Lord is unpleased and we're working with the mind of the flesh there. So we have to understand that, even as believers, when we give way to the flesh, the Lord isn't pleased and he is not by any means cosigning that which is of the flesh.
Speaker 1:That's right, he can't, and that's the whole thing. Just like it said back in oh goodness, I can find it In verse 7, the mind of the flesh is hostile towards God. Right, there's no way he can co-sign something you're doing that's carnal or of the flesh, when that very thing is hostile to his whole way of being.
Speaker 2:Hostile and antagonistic.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:There's nothing passive about it. It's even trying to poke at God.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:To be antagonistic means to be actively, actively irritating, actively making the effort to stir up. Wow and so that's just. How could you think that would please God? Right, Right. How could you think that would please God?
Speaker 1:Right, Right. I mean, if you're over there, you know, cussing out the lady at the return counter at Walmart, you know, is that something God's going to sign on to? You know what I mean and you know, Lord, I know it's not easy sometimes when you've been waiting for 45 minutes at Walmart.
Speaker 2:But I'm just saying, but isn't that the Christ thing? Though? Yeah, walking like Christ was never necessarily intended to be the easy thing.
Speaker 1:Thank you.
Speaker 2:The first people who were called to do it were doing. They were behaving in a way that flew in the face of what were the common norms, that's true, that's so true let me tell you something I learned today oh gosh, now I forgot the word.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna try to get the word right and you guys can fact check out there and you can go out and find the right word. But the there was a time where, um I believe it was the Romans or the Greeks, they're all cousins Um that when they didn't want their children, they would basically put them out in the dump that they called the aberrant. Okay, aberrant, it's either aberrant or aberrant. And you see, are you catching the core, the root word there already?
Speaker 2:That children that they didn't want they put out at the dump. And the Christians would come to the dump and would find the children there and take them in and raise these kids, regardless of whether they were physically deformed or whatever the reason was. It was the Christians who were coming and taking these children who had been aborted Wow by their families.
Speaker 1:Goodness.
Speaker 2:At the dump and bringing them in and raising them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. That is the counterculture that the Christian life is in comparison and context of this world.
Speaker 2:This world asks us to live a certain way and says if you live this way, you are normal. Do not cuss the lady out in the Walmart line, but to tell her hey, god bless you, you're doing a great job today. That's Christian versus non-Christian. You can look at on YouTube and you can look on Instagram and all these places and you can see video after video after video of people just being obnoxious, being rude, being just untenable. You'd see them crawling across the counters at fast food joints, throwing the food, tearing the place up and going through and doing all of these crazy things.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And everybody looks at that like whoo, whoo, whoo, look at that, ha ha. But Christ is so disappointed in that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That's not the content of character that he desires for us who believe in him and who have the mind of the spirit to act. We're supposed to be the contrary to that. So it's never been supposed to necessarily be all that comfortable. But you know what, as you carry the mind of Christ and you grow in it, it becomes easier and easier for you to do the Christ thing than to just follow along and do what the world does.
Speaker 1:That's good. That's good, and it really becomes no different than, you know, any type of like forming a habit, if you want to put it that way. It's forming new habits, actually new patterns of doing and thinking that come with the renewal of the mind over these things, like where, instead of you responding with cussing and anger and whatever, now, you respond with patience and gentleness instead. That takes time to develop, you know, but it is the Christ-like response in most things, and so we have to. You know, I love what you said, david.
Speaker 1:It's like so counter to the current culture, because the current culture is so based in selfishness, self-centeredness, narcissism for the most part. I mean, it's just nonstop. And Paul told us in, I think, 2 Timothy, he said, in the last days, the first thing he mentioned that would be the sign of the last days was that people would be lovers of their own selves. Right and dude, if I don't see nothing else in the world today, I see that. I see people just obsessed with themselves. It's like they're posting pictures of themselves all the time on social media, they're talking about themselves and everybody wants to be their own personal brand right now. And it's like, dude, just calm down, man. It's like, I mean, I don't know. I honestly think most of it is attention seeking and that's self-centered by by itself.
Speaker 2:So, um, not only self-centered, but one of your favorite words that you, you've helped me to remember it's prideful.
Speaker 1:Prideful. Yeah, yeah, it's so prideful, it's all about you. Yep, it's all about you. The world revolves around you, and it's amazing when you have tons of people walking around who all think that they're the center of the universe. That's not going to be a good scenario, man Right.
Speaker 2:But then you see why. You see why things don't get done.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Because just look at, look at stuff that happens out on the streets. When something bad happens out on the street, people don't go to their aid. They go to their phone to pick it up, to video record it.
Speaker 1:I still don't go to their aid. They go to their phone to pick it up, to video record it. I still don't understand that dude. I don't understand that man. I mean, somebody could be getting the daylights beat out of them in the street and your first instinct is to grab your phone and film it.
Speaker 2:Record it, not help somebody Right, not stop the thing Right, but to record it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I just remember, dude, back in the day. Man, I know we're both sound like some old men right now, but back in the day it's like if we saw a fight, the first thing we're doing is, hey, break it up. We go in there and figure out what happened later, but the first thing that someone would do is just go in and try to break the fight up. Right, we didn't even know what was going on, but we tried to break it up. But now it's like, hey, go film it, put it on freaking Worldstar or whatever. It's like good, gosh man, it's not good.
Speaker 2:It's not good man. This fight is going to go viral.
Speaker 1:Viral and even that dude. There's a whole category of social media influencer called rage baiters. Have you heard of this thing where they do things on purpose to take people off, just so they can get more views and get more clicks? And and it's like I mean there's a famous guy who goes around and he's just, he's like a little twit man, his name is like Jack Doherty or something like that, but he goes around provoking people, just random strangers. He'll go up and slap them behind the head or do something, get up in their face real quick while he's walking by and it's like and then when they react, they some of them are like feel threatened. They're like, hey, well, what are you trying to do? He's got this huge guy behind him who's like his security guy, and of course, they're not going to mess with him after they see the big guy. And it's like this is the worst bunch of crap anybody can go around doing. Dude. It's like give me a break. So you know things like that.
Speaker 1:Man stuff out there. It's all based in this self-centered I need attention, you know, kind of thing. And that is the carnal mind at its finest. Dude. It has nothing to do with God. Those kind of behaviors don't please God at all. Man.
Speaker 2:They can't, they cannot. Just that you know. Once again in verse eight, as we look at it, just one. Let me put that back out there one more time those controlled by the flesh carnal mind cannot please God. That's kind of full circle there, but that's where it is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, absolutely. And so in verse nine it says you, however, are not controlled by the flesh, but by the spirit. If the spirit of God lives in you, come on now.
Speaker 2:I mean, that's a big F, Phil. If the spirit of God lives in you, it's literally. But it's also a big F.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's right. That's right Because there's there's a true, a true phenomenon called quenching the spirit. You know, and it's mentioned in first Thessalonians. He said quench, not the spirit. And you know there's a difference between that and grieving the Holy Spirit. Both are bad, both are not cool.
Speaker 1:But quenching the spirit is when you prevent him from doing what he's desiring to do. By your behavior, your fleshly way of thinking or doing. You're suppressing what he would like to do through you. And then, on the other side is grieving the Holy Spirit, where you're doing something that truly does make him want to just withdraw. You know what I mean. It's that thing of you're gosh. I'm trying to say it the way I'm thinking about it. Basically, you're not giving him the opportunity to do something that he would want to do. But I'll probably get that right later on. But quenching the spirit, grieving the spirit, either way it goes, it's not good, because what it basically boils down to is he's trying to work through you, he's trying to express the character and nature and love of God through you, but he's running into that pride, he's running into that fleshliness, he's running into that self-righteousness, he's running into that selfishness of some kind or another, and all those things are blockages. They're roadblocks to him being able to express himself through you fully, and that's what you don't want.
Speaker 2:So that's serious word there. Let's go on to 10, because it takes that thought a step further. Well, finish out 9. You, however, are controlled not by the flesh but by the Spirit. If the Spirit of God lives in you, and if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, look, he takes it a step farther. He does not belong to Christ.
Speaker 1:Goodness, gracious man.
Speaker 2:So now we've gone from, not only can you not please him, but if you don't have the spirit of Christ, the spirit of God, living in you, you don't even belong to Christ.
Speaker 1:Wow, wow. I was just going to sit and let that thing marinate for a minute, man.
Speaker 2:I don't know what else to say. It literally all puts everything on the line, right yeah?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Your choice chooses whether or not Christ is living in you.
Speaker 1:Mm, hmm, mm, hmm, wow, wow. Dude, that's heavy stuff, man, and he makes no bones about it right there, and I guess it would be worth studying to find out the qualities and characteristics of the spirit of Christ. The qualities and characteristics of the spirit of Christ, you know, because I mean he's sitting here telling you. If you don't have that, you might want to check who you belong to for real. You know, but that's a whole other topic for a whole other podcast. But in verse 10, he says if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. Now, this is interesting because when it's talking about your body being dead, we obviously know that it doesn't mean your heart stopped beating or you're no longer physically alive. That's not what he's talking about. He's saying if Christ is in you, it's true that your body is dead, meaning it's unredeemed, it's not in a glorified state, yet your body is still unable to perceive spiritual things.
Speaker 1:There was a time before mankind fell into sin.
Speaker 1:There was a time when his spirit, soul and body were all able to access the spiritual realm, and I think that's fascinating, and I think Jesus demonstrated it when he rose from the dead and he was able to walk through the wall, it said. He came into the room, the door being shut, and in a certain sense it was him demonstrating almost like the ability to teleport somewhere, if you want to put it that way. We don't have that ability now, and so in one sense, your body is dead, it's dead to spiritual things, but yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. And so he's saying, because you have been set right with God, because you're now in spiritual harmony with God, your spirit is alive unto him. You know that righteousness that was given to you as a gift through Christ, that righteousness gave you the right or the ability to now be alive to God spiritually, to where now you and him are connected. In that way it says in 1 Corinthians 6, he that's joined to the Lord is one spirit. And that's fascinating stuff, man.
Speaker 2:Look, I want to read an interesting thought from the Lexham Context Commentary. It says although believers now live in the Spirit, they have not discarded the flesh.
Speaker 1:Very true.
Speaker 2:Because Christ is in them. Through the Holy Spirit, they partake of both realities, in other words both redeemed and unredeemed. Their bodies are dead because of sin, but their spirits are alive, for the spirit in them is life because of righteousness, life for the spirit in them is life because of righteousness.
Speaker 2:So when I hear that, to me it means that in one sense I'm a man, spirit, soul and body, body being flesh, and that the transaction that took place in Christ was a transaction that said I will no longer be ruled by this body, that through the cross we have slain the physical body. The physical body no longer gets to control how everything functions, because you are now alive in Christ. Your spirit, the Holy Spirit in you, your spirit, the Holy Spirit in you makes you alive. So now you're even living off of different material. It says I think it says it here, just in a minute, a little bit later on the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same spirit that indwells you.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:And so now we're living by the spirit of God, the spirit of Christ that dwells in us, and we've got different energy, different material that's flowing through us, that makes us alive. So, though this flesh is dead, it still tries to take on life that it's not supposed to have.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And we, as believers, can make the mistake. How we get into the cycle of sin, like we've said, is when we give this flesh too much room, room that it should never have anymore because we've been born again.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:We get into sin and then we make that sin a habit. It's almost like reincarnating Frankenstein. Wow, Wow.
Speaker 1:That's good.
Speaker 2:Do some. We can't reincarnate Frankenstein. We've got to let Frankenstein stay dead and walk according to the spirit, so that, as that scripture says, we will not fulfill the law of the flesh.
Speaker 1:That's good. That's good man, because, the truth be told, man, satan doesn't have to even hold a gun to your head and force you to sin. All he's got to do is figure out how to get you in the flesh.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:If he can figure out how to get you to act in the flesh, he's got you all day long, bro. You're going to go down that same road of ending up in some kind of sin as soon as you get over into that carnal mindset or that flesh-led mindset is going to happen.
Speaker 2:And you know, philip, just thinking out here kicking this around with you, you know, I think I know the devil knows that and he's just tossing out lines and lures to see what he can get. I know this flesh is dead to me because he's chosen Christ, but what can I do to still let this flesh live and own him, even though he belongs to Christ? It's a wild thing that he does and it's something that we have to. The Bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Speaker 2:In other words, he can't keep that lure, that line, in the water forever. That's right. He eventually is going to get tired of waiting for you to take the bait and he's going to leave in your life and open up or risk the possibility of becoming something that you said you never wanted to be,
Speaker 1:That's good, man, that's good. And it's interesting too, because it does say in 1 Peter 5, it says he walks around seeking whom he may devour. He's seeking dude. Think about that. What that means is, as soon as you become born again, there's a target placed on your back period. The enemy will try to find you and find that button that he can push. He's going to try to find that thing, whatever it is the weakness of the flesh that you have and, man, that's the thing he's going to try to harp on, to try to get you to stay in that carnal mindset, stay in that flesh mindset.
Speaker 1:And so, like David said, it's a matter of learning how to recognize that bait, recognize that lure, realize that it's not a real worm on the hook. You know what I mean. That's the whole reason why fishermen use bait. They use something that pretends to be the real thing or is an imitation of the real thing, but actually it's just. You know, in a way it's just deception. You know the fish won't know it, but it's. That's what it boils down to, and if you kind of take that in this instance, it makes perfect sense. It's like it's deception. It's presenting itself to be one thing, but it'll turn out to be something else if you fall for it.
Speaker 2:Look, look, how Jesus played it. Here comes Satan throwing lures in the water.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:You know, take this rock and turn it into bread. Mm-hmm, that's a lure in the water, yep, and Jesus could have bit that. But instead of biting it, what did he do? He came back at him with the truth. He came back with him with what the spirit had in him.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:You know, my father provides for my food.
Speaker 1:That's right, it is written.
Speaker 2:Darn it, it is written. And so then he comes back and says you know you're the man. Climb up to the top of this mountain and jump off. Everything will be all right, you won't get hurt. No, don't tempt the Lord, your God, that's right.
Speaker 2:And then he comes back another time and tries to get Jesus to look at the kingdoms of the earth and say I can give all of these to you. And he responds with it is written to Satan again. But what's so interesting about that is, after he deals with Satan, satan pulls his lures out of the water and he leaves. Jesus resisted the devil and he left from him. He fled from him.
Speaker 1:Goodness man.
Speaker 2:So then, what happened after that happened? Then God comes and provides for what Jesus needs.
Speaker 1:Man, man, man man.
Speaker 2:It's the same thing. It's the same thing for us. If we'll take the opportunity to resist the enemy, God will provide for us what we need, but at some point we're going to have to fight back and walk out this spirit-led life that God's intended us to walk out.
Speaker 1:That's good, man. That's so good and it's interesting too. I've always found it fascinating that after Satan left Jesus, the first thing that happened they said angels came and ministered to him, and I've always thought that was fascinating. It's like, man, you know, they were right there to help restore him, possibly give him some kind of strength or energy that he may not have had at the moment, but, like you said, god was right there, ready to take care of him as soon as those temptations were through. And, man, you know, there's a scripture in 1 Corinthians 10 that says there's no temptation that's taken a hold of you. That's not common to mankind. You know, there's going to be plenty of temptations that we all deal with in life, but not one of them will ever be something that is simply too powerful for you to overcome.
Speaker 2:That's correct, Philip.
Speaker 1:Man. He said God is faithful. 1 Corinthians 10, 13. God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted above what you're able to resist, but he will, with that temptation, make a way for you to escape out of it. Man, and I promise you, dude, you know there have been times, well after I got born again, where I was tempted with certain things, and in the time of the temptation, in the very moment it was happening, I could see those ways of escape still there.
Speaker 1:You know, I knew they were there. It was just a matter of will I take them. You know what I mean. There was no such thing as oh gosh, sin just overtook me and I couldn't do anything about it. No, no, it was me choosing in that moment what I was going to do, and sometimes I chose right. Sometimes I didn't choose right.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Right, but it was never a thing where it was an irresistible temptation that I just couldn't know.
Speaker 2:That's good, Philip. That's good If we can just finish up with verse 11 there and then go on if you want.
Speaker 1:Yes, sir.
Speaker 2:We're at the mark actually, yes, we are. But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwells in you. You know, I'm sorry, I'm looking over here at another computer screen reading the King James, and not what we're reading.
Speaker 1:That's all right. I didn't even notice dude.
Speaker 2:And if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, and if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who lives in you.
Speaker 1:Man. Look at that. I love it. I got several meetings actually, because in the context of the whole chapter he does end up talking about the redemption of the body and so he's leading into that with this, but it also just has a regular natural application. It's like you'll find strength from the Holy Spirit at times when you need it, even physically, to be able to resist, when you need to resist, you know and I find that fascinating man he's there to give life to that mortal body. Even at times when you're feeling like you know it's hard to overcome, or whatever the case is hard to overcome the temptations, man, he's there to give you strength at times when you absolutely need it for sure.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's good. And another thing that's worth mentioning here is that God hasn't given us a substitute spirit. Right, the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same spirit that will enliven, that will reignite our mortal bodies. So we're not talking about a different spirit that we've been given. We're talking about the same spirit, which means we can further trust God, because he didn't substitute us. He gave us the exact same thing that he gave to Jesus to bring us up at the time when it's time for us all to be resurrected with Christ.
Speaker 1:That's right, that's right. Good stuff, man. You know what, david? I think this might be the most important part. You know, we have these lofty ambitions of getting through an entire chapter in one episode and it's like no, no, no, that's not going to happen, man.
Speaker 2:I thought we were going to make it, but it's okay. We got to right where we need to be and a lot of things were said that I think will be helpful to people.
Speaker 1:Man absolutely Thank God for the Holy Spirit. He helps us with this stuff and without him we could not do anything. He's the one that shines the light on the word. He's the one that illuminates the scripture and we encourage you guys out there to, as you're reading the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to shine light on that scripture, show you at the time what he wants you to see in that scripture.
Speaker 1:I've often heard, and have said a few times as well, that the word of God is like a diamond, like a finely polished diamond. Depending on which way you hold it, it's going to reflect a different type of angle of light and that type of thing. So reflection might be different depending on which way you're looking at it. The word is very similar to that. It may be on a Wednesday you see one thing in that scripture, but then you come back on a Friday and a whole other side of it comes out to you that you didn't even see before.
Speaker 1:So true, and it's like man, the word really is an ever-increasing revelation. It really really is. There's always something new to learn, there's always a layer that you didn't see before, and that's what's so fascinating. That's what's kept David and I, you know, studying the Bible for however many years we've been doing it, is just this fascination with what was God trying to say right here? What can we dig or mine out of this scripture? You know, and I encourage you guys out there, take some time to do that, even if it means that you read that passage 10 times, 20 times, get it into your spirit, just kind of meditate on it. You know, let it kind of sit there and marinate and see what the spirit of God starts to reveal to you from those scriptures so Praise God.
Speaker 1:So we just wanted to encourage you guys with that and we also want to say thanks for joining us tonight and, of course, as always, make sure to like and subscribe and comment below or wherever the comments might be on the particular thing you're watching.
Speaker 1:But, and then also, of course, if there's any kind of questions you want to ask or things you'd like to see us cover on the podcast or whatever it might be, you can always send us an email at gotbrewatbiblebrosnet. Once again, gotbrewatbiblebrosnet. And please look us up on all the socials that are there. We've got Instagram popping. We've got what's the other one, david? Facebook, facebook.
Speaker 2:There you go. I literally just set up X like a day ago. Yes, and you may find it out there. Go ahead and like us, we'll be putting some content up there soon enough.
Speaker 1:For sure, and we're on Rumble too. If you want to check out Rumble sometimes we're out there on Rumble man, so where we won't be censored at all. So that's really good. But thanks again, guys. Any final words? David, Any final thoughts?
Speaker 2:No, let me just pray for you real quick, father. We thank you for the opportunity to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ. We pray, lord God, that the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God be formed within those who hear. I thank you for the wisdom of God, lord God, shining brightly in their lives, guiding and leading them as people walk through this world. Lord God, your word says that they will have trouble, but to be of good cheer, you have overcome the world, lord God. So we thank you for the overcoming victory that each person has in you, lord God. Now let us set our things on the minds of Christ, on the things of God, lord God, and let us walk with you and see good things and many good days. In Jesus' name.
Speaker 1:Jesus' name Amen. Good, good, good stuff. Alright, guys, we will see you next time, but enjoy your Thanksgiving in the meantime.
Speaker 2:Happy Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1:Yes Signing off. Yeah, dude, all right, we are out, peace, bye.